The "Secret Garden" in Seoul was the first spot that Krystle and I wanted to see. We had both loved the book, which I always read to my 5th and 6th grade classes and got to enjoy myself each year. The garden, called Biwon, is behind the Changdeokgun Palace in Seoul. It was called a "secret," or forbidden, garden, because no one was allowed to enter without permission of the king. It was originally a resting area for the king and his family. The Zen for heaven and earth is that the heavens are round, and the earth is square. This is represented in the Secret Garden with a square lotus pond which represents the earth, and around it are a variety of flowers, plants, and trees which represent the heavens. The tree shown is over 750 years old. The garden is kept as natural as possible and left untouched by human hands when possible. It is just the most incredibly beautiful and relaxing spot in the world.